07 May 2015 19:14:31
ESPN - E:60 - WWE NXT Behind the Curtain:

1.) 07 May 2015
Wow that was amazing, my heartbroke slightly over the Adam rose story and Corey graves knew about graves troubles with concussion but never knew about Rosie's family

2.) 07 May 2015
Truly one of the best videos I think I have ever watched. Having watched the wwe for over 12 years now (I'm 22) this puts it all into perspective how much the superstars devote their lives for this.
A side note however, I do believe it shows the extreme talent of guys like The rock, stone cold, kurt angle, and despite how unpopular he is I think this shows how talented and hard working john Cena must be. If he'd not played the exact same American hero character for 10 years now he would certainly be one of the greats

3.) 11 May 2015
Cena is a great, he's not my favourite by a long shot, but in 30 years he is who they will be talking about the way they talk about Hogan now.

The man that brought the crowds in.

4.) 11 May 2015
The crowds would be there regardless. If anything he's the man that drove the tv viewers away.

5.) 13 May 2015
Whenever he is off the crowds drop, I bet there were hardcore fans crapping on Hogan in 1988 while a 6 year old Bessex thought he was the greatest thing in the world.